7 Ways that Chronic Pain Changes the Brain

7 Ways that Chronic Pain Changes the Brain: An automated meta-analysis of 420 imaging studies - pain's effect on the brain. neurosynth.org uses functional connectivity and coactivation mapping from thousands of MRI images (each comprised of many cuts of images) are automated to show a final result of pain's effect on the brain. Created and... Continue Reading →

Chronic Metabolic Syndrome is Killing US

Perhaps you have something called chronic metabolic syndrome. Don't wait until you are in the hospital to get the diagnosis. And if you have any type of chronic syndrome, including chronic pain, read on. Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of problems that are associated with the oxidative stress of high blood pressure, obesity, huge abdominal girth, heart attack (the... Continue Reading →

What does ‘Iatrogenic’ Mean?

The etimology (origin) of the word, "iatrogenic" is from the Greek: iatros - physician genic - English iat·ro·gen·ic \  ī-ËŒa-trÉ™-ˈjen-ik adjective   Iatrogenic (Merriam-Webster) "induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures iatrogenically -ˈjen-i-k(É™-)lÄ“ \ adverb iatrogenicity - jÉ™-ˈnis-É™t-Ä“ \ noun   In other words, the physician did it. Examples of Iatrogenic Events: George Washington was... Continue Reading →

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